jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

All my feelings...... Trasición

All my feelings, all my feelings
All my feelings are talking to me
Sometimes I'm excited, sometimes I'm relieved
Sometimes I'm so happy I'm just really, really please
Often I am frightened, sometimes I am sad
Sometimes I am angry and get really, really mad

Sometimes I'm uncertain and sometimes I am clear
Sometimes I feel guilty, or I wish a friend was near
All my feelings tell me things about what's going on
Inside me and around me, so let's sing a feelings song!

 All my feelings, all my feelings
 All my feelings are talking to me

Sometimes I am peaceful, I'm just so relaxed
Sometimes I am hyped up or I'm stressed out to the max
Sometimes I am tired and inclined to be a grump
If I'm feeling hurt I might be right down in the dumps

Sometimes I am joyful, I feel really free
Sometimes I am thinking of someone I'd love to see
All my feelings tell me things about what's going on
Inside me and around me so let' sing a feelings song!

All my feelings, all my feelings
All my feelings are talking to me

The Four Seasons....Only first

There are four seasons: fall, winter, spring, and summer. Each season has its own holidays, traditions, and typical weather conditions.


The fall season brings colder temperatures and frost. Corn is one of the crops that is harvested in the fall. In addition, some children enjoy trick or treating on Halloween night. Furthermore, in the fall season there are animals that prepare for hibernation by eating a lot in order to store up enough body fat to live on through the winter months. 

Seasons Song for Kids | TEXT Version | by ELF Learning....only fourth

viernes, 17 de julio de 2015

Protozoa!!! Only third and fourth

Protozoa are simple, single-celled animals. they are the smallest of all animals. most protozoa are microscopic in size, and can only be seen under a microscope. however, they do breathe, move and reproduce like multicelled animals.

there are several types of protozoa. the amoebas are clear, shapeless cells. flagellates have a body shape looking like a hair.

although we can't see them, protozoa do a lot for us. protozoa play a useful role in the food chain as a source of food for fish and other animals. some protozoa are helpful to humans by eating dangerous bacteria. unfortunately, other protozoa are parasites and can be harmful to humans by transmitting disease.